Story Teller

About CMES
Each year, America loses nearly $2 billion worth of methane (the primary component of natural gas) due to faulty equipment or inefficient practices such as venting and flaring at oil and gas well sites. The good news is that we have the technology and know-how to address this problem and cut methane waste from oil and gas operations while at the same time creating jobs and increasing local, state and federal tax revenues.
The Center for Methane Emissions Solutions (the Center) was founded to provide a voice for businesses that offer these innovative solutions. The Center represents the interests of American businesses that develop and manufacture cutting edge technologies, install commercial technologies and aid inspectors on the job to significantly cut methane waste on a cost-effective basis across the oil and gas supply chain.
These technologies help detect and capture an otherwise wasted American resource: studies have shown that the technology to address this issue is cost effective and will often result in net profits for the oil and gas industry.
It’s time we put American innovation to work and cut methane waste.
Advisory Board
Methane Technologies and Services
The Center for Methane Emissions Solutions provides access to a full suite of technologies and companies that monitor, measure and reduce methane emissions.
Abatement Cost Analysis
Clean Combustion
Fluid Sealing Technology
Fugitive Emission Leak Detection
Leak Measurement
Optical Imaging
Solar Powered Chemical Injection
Surface Casing Vent Measurement
Vent Gas Capture (Compressors)
Zero Emission Separator Package
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